April 26, 1884 26 April 1884 – First Baptist Service conducted in Ashfield School of Arts by Rev. Frederick Hibberd. 7 December 1884 – Ashfield Baptist Church formed by Rev. Hibberd, Mr. E.D.W. Palmer and fifteen foundation members.
January 1, 1886 First Ashfield Baptist Church building opened at 25 Holden Street, Ashfield – Master-carved pulpit created and installed by James Cunningham (d.1903).
December 31, 1906 Under Rev. W.M. Cartwright, church moved to second building (ex-School of Arts) now to become known as Ashfield Baptist Tabernacle on corner of Liverpool Road and Holden Street, Ashfield.
January 1, 1913 Master-carved pulpit and pipe organ (1913) installed in Tabernacle. Still in present church building today.
December 1, 1936 Tabernacle sold amid controversy and opposition of some members who split off to form Hurlstone Park church. Third (present) church building opened on corner of Holden and Norton Streets. Church hall added in 1941 and named after late Rev. Robert Goodman (Pastor 1935-39). Still known as the Goodman Hall by today’s congregation.
December 1, 1950 Strong links formed with Baptist Theological College, then in Ashfield. Principal G. H. Morling (after whom Morling College is named) was the son of church members who were local Ashfield residents. 19460-1965 – Under the leadership of Revered A.H Harry Orr Ashfield Baptist Church moved towards: a Baptist Mission development in Papua New Guinea; the opening of Bethel Nursing Home Ministry; pioneering an all- age Sunday School; opened a Christian Education Centre; took part in the Billy Graham Crusade (1959) and started the Asian Fellowship Ministry
December 1, 1979 Under the leadership of Rev. Ron Bottomley Ashfield Baptist church was able to: introduce contemporary worship and music; welcomed congregational input to worship services; a new constitution with Elders and Deacons was formed; create a new structure for Ashfield Baptist Homes (Bethel); and ministry in local schools was developed.
January 1, 1988 Under the leadership of Rev. Graham Nicholls, Ashfield Baptist Church: focused on Ashfield’s growing multicultural culture; took part on a short-term mission to PNG; opening of the OpShop; encouraged the use of congregation’s gifts; and set a goal to rebuild Bethel by 2000.
January 1, 1993 Under the leadership of Rev. John Morrison, Ashfield Baptist Church moved towards: establishing a Chinese, Spanish and Ethiopian congregations; a new nursing home (1996) and hostel (2006) for Ashfield Baptist Homes Ltd; the Childcare Centre opened (2004); the Group Home live-in accommodation for singles opened; Associate Pastors, Student Associates and Mission Intern appointed as part of pastoral leadership team development along with Elders and Deacons; worship rosters with multiple preachers, leaders and musicians taking part; the Ng bequest facilitating ministries; and after 21.5 years of faithful service Rev John Morrison retires (14/12/2014).
January 1, 2015 The last five years has seen a lot of change in Ashfield Baptist: 2015 – Church appoints Pastoral Selection Committee; Church Family Day and Conference to review directions and set goals; July 2015 – August 2016 – Interim Pastors: Rev Ian Docker, Rev David Hames; 4th September 2016 – Reverend Danelle McLeay starts as Lead Pastor in Team Ministry; 5th October 2016 – December 2018– Hayley commences as Mission Intern. 2 July 2017 -February 2019 – Paul Bottrill-Chau joins team as Pastor in Team Ministry. December 2019 – Reverend Dannelle Mcleay resigns as Lead Pastor. Ken Monro resigns as Church Administrator. Maria Matherson joins the team as new Church Administrator. 2020 January – Pastor Peter Thomas and his wife Michelle join the Pastoral team as Interim Pastor. March – we start our online services as response to Covid-19. April – we see the opening of Ashfield Blessing Box to assist our local community. December – Covid restrictions ease in NSW and our Pop Up Choir is able to go ahead just in time for Christmas. Pastor Peter Thomas and his wife Michelle finish up their interim position with us. We are thankful for their leadership…
March 7, 2021 Ashfield Baptist Church has undergone significant pastoral changes, including issuing a call to Mark Coleman from Gymea Baptist Church to be the next Pastor (2021), bidding farewell to Pastor Mark Coleman (2022), welcoming Rev. Guy Yeomans as Interim Pastor (2022- 2024), and now welcoming Pastor Micah Hurst and his family as the new Pastor (March 2024). Throughout this significant pastoral role discerning process, we as a church learned the importance of seeing ourselves the way God sees us and being encouraged by His love and provision. Our church continued to be the presence of God in our community, and God continued to do His work in us. We look forward to this new season with Pastor Micah, with the knowledge that the work God is doing in us will go on.
First Baptist Service
Between 1906 to 1913
Between 1936 to 1941
1940’s to 1960’s
1979 – 1987
1988 – 1992
2015 – 2020
2021 -2024