We hope you and your loved ones are all staying safe and healthy during this Covid-19 Crisis. While we know how Covid-19 outbreak is a global threat and is causing a lot of anxiety around us, our prayer is that we will hold onto the HOPE we have in Christ during trouble times such as this. We encourage you to please keep praying for one another. If you or your neighbour are in need of assistance (ie groceries) or feeling isolated, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact your church family. This is a time for all of us to show the Love of Christ to each other and to our wider community.
Now some church matters that we need to address:
• If you are feeling unwell or are showing signs (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, respiratory illness) we ask that you stay home for your wellbeing and the wellbeing of the wider community;
• We will meet for church this Sunday 22nd March 2020 but please be aware that services may be cancelled in future. If that is the case we will email you;
• We will have Morning Tea using hygienic practices however if you don’t feel comfortable attending, that is ok too. We understand;
• In Church we will be practicing physical distancing – sit apart and no physical contact;
• There will be a Church Meeting after Morning Tea, spread out into horseshoe in Goodman Hall (not the Annexe room) to report and resolve financial and property matters;
• At this stage there will NOT be a Maundy Thursday meal;
• Keep checking your emails, Facebook and Church website for more information about our services. At the moment things are changing day by day, we will do our best to stay in touch and informed;
• All Bible Study Group Leaders – please make wise decisions regarding your gatherings. If you or your members are unwell please don’t attend bible study;
• Sunday School & Sunday Youth will continue during term 1 whilst schools are open – as with all the other decisions this will be reviewed weekly.
It is important to remember that the virus is spread by droplets when people cough & sneeze onto other people or onto surfaces. Then people may breath up these droplets or touch affected surfaces & then touch their own face (eye, mouth, nose) & so get infected. Sitting or standing next to someone who is not showing signs will not affect you, however it is up to the individual to take responsibility for their own wellbeing and if in doubt self isolate for 14 days.
Love one another and be kind.
Ashfield Baptist Church Leadership Team