Dear friends,
This year (2020) we can’t gather to eat roast lamb and perhaps see a drama or listen to music as we often do on Maundy Thursday, but one of our elders, Lydia, has prepared a reflection for this evening that you may like to follow at home.
Prepare: a bath bomb or your favourite scent, palm leaves +/or coloured scarves, a bible to read from, large nails maybe some rough wood, coloured pens and paper.
This has been split into a before & after dinner section but you can follow through this as it suits you. As we have journeyed “making faith of sense” through Lent let us continue to use all our senses to connect with God and his work over Easter.
Part 1 – before dinner
Jesus was having dinner with friends (remember what that used to be like?! Can you smell dinner being prepared now?) then the perfume bottle was poured over Jesus feet & the rich scent filled the room. What’s your favourite scent? Go & get that scent if you can & breathe it in. (you can read John 12:1-3 to remind you of the story)
Hearing & Sight
Last week was Palm Sunday – remember what people shouted as Jesus rode into Jerusalem?
Read Matthew 21:1-11 if you need help remembering the story or what people shouted.
Imagine the scene with palms waving & people shouting. The roadside is crowded with people, some look confused as the donkey rides by & the dust from the hooves clouds the air. Colour swirls as people throw their cloaks as well as palms in front of the donkey & shout at the man sitting on its back. Twirl your scarves & wave your palm branches, shout if you want to (this might work better for families!). Draw a picture of what you can see.
Setting the scene for tonight. Read Luke 22: 1-13.
Part 2 – after dinner
Read Luke 22:14-38. Consider how Communion connects to this last meal that Jesus had with his friends, how does what we do reflect what Jesus did?
What did they eat together do you think? (What did you have for dinner?)
Listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHlvkGh9-cU
and read Luke 22:39-46, write a prayer of confession
Read Luke 22:47-71
Touch can be kind or cruel. Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, Judas kissed Jesus’ cheek, the soldiers beat him …
How will you connect with & show love for people in this difficult time? Write down a few ideas.
For another Easter reflection look at https://vimeo.com/404451744