Don’t you admire people who hold nothing back? Don’t you love people who stand confident and strong in their faith? You know they have a story to tell. This is a story of jumping into the unknown. It’s my story of ordinary me, who said yes to an amazing God. Here I tell you the truth about a journey, a journey that took me from living in Cairns, Queensland Australia, to a village in rural Malawi in Africa.
In JUMP I unpack raw life lessons from over a decade of learning to trust God in a different culture and worldview; a faith journey that isn’t pretty, but it’s real share with you stories of calling, mistakes, passion and the struggles of ordinary people who have inspired and stretched me more than I’d ever imagined, yet brought deeper joy than i’d ever hoped for.
Jumping into the unknown isn’t recklessness, nor is it immaturity or ignorance. It is deeply personal obedience. God speaks to each of us individually. Everyone’s story is different.
Together we’ll take that leap of faith and see what God has in store for you and your life.
Book is available for $20.
Melanie Downes a passionate follower of Jesus dedicated to learning more about her spiritual journey through faith.
Formerly a Health & Physical Education Teacher and partner in a successful building business in Queensland Australia.
Melanie now lives in Malawi Africa among the Yawo as a cross-cultural worker with Global Interaction. Acting as a spiritual advisor