Following the example of Jesus, Ashfield Baptist Church cares about the welfare and safety of all people, including within our own church community.
Our Safe Church policies and procedures are one important way to help protect the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of children and vulnerable people. These policies and procedures are a legal requirement, so we take them very seriously.
Ashfield Baptist Church is committed to:
- Carefully recruiting and training our pastoral staff, leadership team and church volunteers
- Adopting and encouraging safe church practices by our leaders and church volunteers
- Responding quickly to each concern raised about the behaviour of anyone within our church community, and
- Offering support to any person who has suffered abuse.
An important part of this commitment is making sure that everyone who works here – either paid or as a volunteer – has completed some requirements that will help to keep our community safe.
Everyone who is a volunteer or employee needs to:
- Read our Safe Church policy
- Complete an application form (which includes providing two referees)
- Be interviewed by the ministry leader and a member of the leadership team
- Sign our Code of Conduct and return a signed copy to
- Watch a short Induction Video and fill in the short Volunteer Induction Response Form to indicate you have watched and understood the content.
Anyone who is in a paid ministry position, or volunteers to lead or participate in ministry (musicians, service leaders, elders and deacons, preachers, praying in church, children’s ministry or youth ministry) also needs to:
- Provide a valid Working With Children Check number and expiry date
- Complete Creating Safe Spaces training (both online and workshop components)
Paid staff in ministry positions also need to pass a national police check.
If you have any questions about these policies or processes, contact the Safe Church Team.
*If required.
Translations of the policies and forms are available in Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese from Creating Safe Spaces Resources.
- Marcia Balzer
- Jenny Gibson
- Maria Matherson
If you have any Safe Church queries or concerns, the team can be contacted via email –